Cover - 2014 Calendar.  M/V Vision off of San Simeon, California
California Gray Whales feeding in the Santa Barbara channel
Fringehead Blenny, San Miguel Island, California
Brittlestar on top of a Bluespot Star.  Santa Cruz Island, California
Lions Mane nudibranch, Big Sur coast, California
Kelp, Big Sur Coast, California
French Angelfish, Cozumel, Mexico
White anemone, a Metridea, off the Big Sur coast. 
Sargassum Triggerfish (Xanthichthys ringens) Cozumel, Mexico
White Nudibranch (Tritonia festiva)  in amongst branches of a red gorgonian off Santa Cruz Island.
This Painted Greenling (Oxylebius pictus) appears dull in the water but its vivid colors bloom when well-lit.  The Greenling is hunting above a nest of Brittlestars.
When I spotted this Tube Sponge formation off Cozumel, Mexico, I knew it would be my Halloween calendar image.  The natural imitating the supernatural -  pretty spooky!
Land Iguanas are well worth taking some trouble to see eye to eye.  This large specimen allowed me to crawl within 2 meters to photograph it in the lush greenery of Cozumel Island.
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