Bixby Bridge on the Big Sur coast highway. This was a June morning before the fog had burned off, taken from the M/V Vision.
January: Pelican and a Sea Lion share a rock along the Big Sur coast.
February: Sharron poses in the structure of Wreck # 7, just a few miles outside the Port of Miami. The wreck has been down for many years, as shown by the rich growth on the structure.
March: A pair of Squid put on a color display during a shallow night diver on a reef off of Key Largo, Florida. The squid were clearly hunting, as shown by a video clip Sharron has of one capturing a fish. (Go to www.YouTube.com/sharronsuss)
April: A Barracuda cruises along the deck of the USNS Vandenberg, east of Key West, Florida. The Vandenberg is a superb wreck dive, alive with fish and with an excellent super-structure.
May: A Yellowtail Surgeonfish amid the corals of a reef off of the southern Keys of Florida
June: Brittlestars on a rocky ridge along the Big Sur coast. The marine life of the cold waters of the west coast, fed by the strong, nutrient-rich up-wellings offer as good photography as almost anywhere on our planet.
July: A Twin-Horned Blenny hides in a shell in the shallow water of the Blue Heron Bridge, which connects Palm Beach with West Palm Beach, Florida. This dive is considered the premier macro-dive of the USA.
August: A Trumpetfish hides in a soft coral on a shallow reef off of Marathon Key, Florida. When the fish came out of its hiding place, if was about 0.6 meters long.
September: A Reef Shark was suddenly next to me during a night dive off of Key Largo. I got three shots off, before the shark swam off into the night.
October: This Green Moray swam between my legs as I was trying to compose a photograph of a school of Grunts. The Moray was swimming over the sand, during daylight; a strange behavior.
November: USS Vandenberg rests in about 40 meters on a sandy bottom. This view of the structure was shot with a 12 mm lens and shows the excellent condition of the wreck.
December: A Kelp Snail grazing on a Bull Kelp stalk on the south facing coast of Santa Rosa Island. Santa Rosa is one of the Northern Channel Islands which are my favorite diving locations.