January: A BLUE-THROAT PIKE BLENNY (Chaenopsis ocellata) stretches out of its hole in the shallow water of the Blue Heron Bridge.
February: This OCTOPUS VULGARIS has a perfect home in a pipe under the Blue Heron Bridge.
March: This Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) was using this low reef to block the swift Gulfstream flow off of Palm Beach. The turtles were returning to these waters to mate and lay eggs on the beach.
April: A SPECKLED MORAY (aka “Spotted Moray”, Gymnothorax moringa) is yet another fish readily found under the Blue Heron Bridge.
May: This SHARPNOSE PUFFERFISH (Canthigaster rostrata) was hiding in a dark hole in a Cozumel reef. The is a small fish, probably less than 12 cm.
June: The Cozumel reefs are home to the SPLENDID TOADFISH (Sanopus splendidus).
July: Another Blue Heron Bridge critter is the RED-BANDED CORAL SHRIMP (Stenopus hispidus).
August: High action surrounded the M/V Conception as COMMON DOLPHIN (Delphinus capensis) frolicked on the surface, jumping, twisting, flipping, and swimming at least 10 knots. The school was in the hundreds.
Composite image of five individual images of the Dolhin pod from August. A 140 cm (55") x 33 cm (13") print is hanging in my home.
September: Bright yellow & blue SCRAWLED COWFISH (Acanthostracion quadricornis) were abundant under the Blue Heron Bridge.
October: One of the joys of diving the Channel Islands of California is the interaction with SEALIONS (Zalophus californianus).
November: Of all the angelfish, the FRENCH ANGELFISH (Pomacanthus paru) is most beautiful.
December: The joy of the Blue Heron Bridge is the crowd of tiny critters hiding in the sand and rocks. This ATLANTIC SEAWEED BLENNY (Parablennius marmoreus) is another of the many fish we have found.