Vision from a Drone - foreshortening is a function of the GoPro Hero 3 lens Compliments of Bruce Wight
BRUCE WIGHTprepares to fly a drone off of Vision
Drone take off
Vision from a Drone, compliments of Bruce Wight
3 species discuss all of these bubble blowers in their water
Garabaldi and kelp off of Ship Rock on the front side of Catalina Island
Sharron discusses her air supply with a curious Garibaldi, Farnsworth Banks, backside of Catalina
Kelp is sentient!
Sardine and Mackeral schooling on Farnsworth - one of the most spectacular dive site in the world!
More Farnsworth, with Sharron swimming through a school. She is using her new Gates rig to video the fish behavior! Way cool and will be on her YouTube channel - sharronsuss
I love these kelp and fish school images - they make me "one" with the ocean
A California Electric Ray poses for my camera, with schooling baitfish in the background. Again, Farnsworth Banks
A California Electric Ray poses for my camera, with schooling baitfish in the background. Again, Farnsworth Banks. My longtime friend, Glen Fritzler, Owner of Truth Auatics, showed me the fish, which was below me at 27 meters.
Purple Hydrocoral with a school of sardines
If you were a whale, could you resist this bait ball?
A Verigated Sculpin in a bed of purple hydrocorl on Farnsworth Banks in 20 meters
Kelp and baitfish.
Santa Barbara Island
Blowhole on SBI - impressive
Sharron has a wild Sealion encounter - I could her screaming with delight underwater.
Sharron has a wild Sealion encounter
Sealions love to pose
And more
The walls on SBI are covered with life. Shooting wide angle, I missed the tiny stuff, but it is there.
A classic pose by a pair of frolicing Sealions
A Sealion pup hamming for the camera
A apir of Sealions playing
Imagine a "small", 90 kg fish posing for you and you have a 60 mm lens mounted. So, I got a head shot of a Black Sea Bass,
And then I did what any U/W shooter would do, focussed on the fish's eye
A soft coral backlit - SBI
An Orange Anemonea strongly painted with light from about a 4 O'Clock position
Purple Hydrocoral, up close
A classic shot into a Black Urchin
A sponge in a bed of Brittle Stars Ana Capa Island
Texture studies of a SeaStar
A Green Moray with many shrimp nearby
An Oil Rig in Santa Barabara Channel - my love of industrial chemistry is a very close second to the U/W world