Reefs of Cozumel are healthy and vibrant.

Sharron doing video with her Gates housing and new Gates GT14 lights. Wow!

Juan, our Liquid Blue Divers {private} guide was incredible. He took us where we wanted to go and found the critters we wanted to shoot. Great job, Juan along with Javier, our Panga guy.

Four Eye Butterflyfish ... common throughout tropical waters.

Reef scene with abundent Cleaner Wrasse

Gorgonia are beautiful.

Barrel Sponges are amazing.

Jacks, Snapper, Grunts and more are everywhere.

As are Angels.

The soft and hard corals are spectacular.

I published a very similar shot several years ago. There is a symbiosus with Angels and Turtles.

I hope I spoil your dinner.

Large Grouper hang out and pose for the camera.

Juan found this pair of Nudibranchs mating. I could not get enough of them to identify. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This newly abandoned Conch is pristine clean.

Jawfish are always fun to shoot.

This Southern StingRay was diving into the sand to get a meal. The action was intense.

Juan found these two Anemonea Shrimp. The "big" one is less than 1 centimeterlong.