Sharron framed by Wreck # 7, just outside Biscayne Bay, near Miami
Jellyfish swarms in the warm (32oC) water
I looked down and this Green Moray was between my legs; got off a few shots, sa shown on these three images
It looked close to 2 meters long
We came back to the same spot about 45 minutes later, and the same behavior occurred; you can see Sharron's fins in the upper right.
Snapper and Grunts are everywhere
More of the same
The Barracuda were not skittish; here is Sharron doing some video of one.
Gray Angelfish
French Angelfish
Featherduster worms were plentiful
Squid were abundant on the night dives
This Reef Shark surprised me during a night dive.  It was about 1 meter from me when I go this image.  It took off when my strobes flashed.
The Vandenberg was really impressive.  We dove it three times.  
Vandenberg, with Sharron capturing some video
Vandenberg with French Angelfish
Vandenberg, this is an image included in my "Fences" study that I will publish in 2016
You must acknowledge the American flag when you dive the Vandenberg
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