Vision and Conception encounter a huge pod of Common Dolphin off of Santa Brabara Island
Our Giant Kelp is returning to the Southern Channel Islands
An Octopus trying to hide behind an Urchin on Farnsworth Banks, on the backside of Catalina Island
Playing "Hide & Seek" with a Garibaldi - Farnsworth Banks
Lots of juvenile fish, including these juvenile Garibaldi.
Santa Barbara Island is a wonderful location to play with Sea Lions.
The Sea Lions are watching us as we approach, to figure out how to play.
Classic Sea Lion image.
Navanax are a slug which preys on nudibranch.
This Spanish Shawl was not eaten by the Navanax
A classic Rockfish image, up close and personal
Lobster on Ana Capa Island.
Green Anemonea
And now the Dolphin show. This and the next 2 images are the same dolphin, as it leaves the water and displays great form. High speed shooting with my new Nikon D500; shutter priority at 1/1600 using a hand held 600 mm lens
Incredible show, and we are doing it again in September!